Dec 21, 2018
Jason Dolby talks about Walk Through Your Fears in The Fitness Blitz Podcast.
Athletic background: Tang Soo Do Korean Karate(father was an instructor), rock climbing, football, track & field, weightlifting since age 15, Kettlebell Sport 2007-current. After spending three years as a live-in caretaker for...
Dec 21, 2018
Jesse James Retherford talks about The Art Of Fitness in The Fitness Blitz Podcast.
Movement therapist and life changer Jesse James Retherford, LMT, FMS, NKT, helps clients to move out of poor movement into better function and freedom. By relearning what it means to move like a human, his clients reduce pain and embrace...
Dec 19, 2018
Brett Jones talks about You Live Til You Die in The Fitness Blitz Podcast.
Brett Jones, MS, ATC, CSCS Brett Jones is a Certified Athletic Trainer and Strength and Conditioning Specialist based in Pittsburgh, PA. Mr. Jones holds a Bachelor of Science in Sports Medicine from High Point University, a Master of Science...
Dec 19, 2018
Paul Nam talks about Know When To Stop in The Fitness Blitz Podcast.
Paul owns a fitness studio called TheWorkoutLoft in Toronto. He also writes books, builds mobile apps, and is bringing new fitness products to the market. Paul started bodybuilding at the age of 18 and became the Junior Mackenzie Bodybuilding Champion...